Crashed !! Lost approx 150 !!!
I generally refrain from diving into controversial waters and sarcastic tones, but then after being tempted, I tried it, and the taste of blood stuck and I transformed into a snide-mpire.
You might be just wondering, what is the link between the title and this stupid start to this insensible post, nothing just wanted to assert that the title might make you think I am gonna talk about the recent plane crash but no I am talking about more grave topic, my hard disk crash and loss of 150 GB of data collected over 10 years. So the first para just implies that I might sound insensitive to the people which died in the plane crash and their relatives, but then I am not, though you might assume me to be one.
The worst part is I had a multiple back-ups for the important data in my hard-disk, viz. 2 DVDs, 1 portable hard-disk and a pen drive. I assumed my self to be safe, anyone would do so after taking so many backups, but then the Sire Zeus decided to hurl a bolt down in my direction.
My laptop which was confiscated by my dad, when he caught me playing games in the office (now office has become such a boring place), i retrieved it do some extra curricular work for my college. While the work was being done, I could hear my excitement being reflected in the silent humming of my lappie's hard-disk. But then the lighting bolt struck, boooooooooooooom, the humming stopped and laptop went dead, I in a calm demeanour tried to restart my laptop, then nervously tried to tap various surfaces of laptop in-order to kick start it and then finally in a terrified state started to perform surgery on my laptop, but was unable to save the hard-disk, R.I.P. my favourite hard-disk.
My grey cells over working themselves reminded me of my back-up devices, a smile lit on my face and a cross across my heart, I initiated search for my back up angels, at stake was precious memories, my progress in my games, few business documents and lot of insane stuff that was about to make way in my redundant blog, bringing it back to life.
First target was 2 Back up DVDs. I was not able to locate them in the thousands of CDs that i have piled over the years. I wiped off beads of sweat from my hands, so that I wont damage my precious game disks. After rummaging through my collection for an hour, I couldn't locate the 2 DVDs. Then I consulted the oracle (excel database that i maintain for my disk collection), but to no avail. Suddenly it dawned upon me, If I had taken back up from my laptop, the DVDs should be in the laptop bag - Eureka.
I ran off in the direction of my bag, spotted it, undid the zippers in hurry (of the bag) and managed to find three cracked DVDs viz. 2 backup ones and 1 a recent classic game that I purchased. (Disappointed, definately)
Next target was my portable hard-disk (a store house for movies, TV seasons from west and games), I generally don't use it for taking back-up, but to my surprise, I had a back up in it. Next step was to check the date of back-up, ha ha ha I managed to save 9.5 years of data out of 10 years, any statician would not disagree when I say, "it is an excellent save ratio."
I had to some presentation in my college, so had tagged along the hard-disk with me, the work in the college was completed (success or no success, who cares. Looks like a failed attempt, got no reviews). Had a migrane, due to lack of food, so instead going to some rocking party and later to hangout at a friend's place, left for home. But somewhere in the way, how I dont know, lost my portable hard-disk.
And Mr. Murphy made his presence felt, the virus infected pen-drive, with whatever data, was corrupted, so ending all hopes of data recovery.
Data will build-up, but memories that I thought I had locked in a vault other than my forgetful memory were lost.
Crashed !!!
But now the real fun part kicks in, will call all ole friends, with whom not spoken for ages, catch up with them, will start collecting data, hope to be playing games and crusing along the good ole memories very soon ......... crashes sound fun .....
You might be just wondering, what is the link between the title and this stupid start to this insensible post, nothing just wanted to assert that the title might make you think I am gonna talk about the recent plane crash but no I am talking about more grave topic, my hard disk crash and loss of 150 GB of data collected over 10 years. So the first para just implies that I might sound insensitive to the people which died in the plane crash and their relatives, but then I am not, though you might assume me to be one.
The worst part is I had a multiple back-ups for the important data in my hard-disk, viz. 2 DVDs, 1 portable hard-disk and a pen drive. I assumed my self to be safe, anyone would do so after taking so many backups, but then the Sire Zeus decided to hurl a bolt down in my direction.
My laptop which was confiscated by my dad, when he caught me playing games in the office (now office has become such a boring place), i retrieved it do some extra curricular work for my college. While the work was being done, I could hear my excitement being reflected in the silent humming of my lappie's hard-disk. But then the lighting bolt struck, boooooooooooooom, the humming stopped and laptop went dead, I in a calm demeanour tried to restart my laptop, then nervously tried to tap various surfaces of laptop in-order to kick start it and then finally in a terrified state started to perform surgery on my laptop, but was unable to save the hard-disk, R.I.P. my favourite hard-disk.
My grey cells over working themselves reminded me of my back-up devices, a smile lit on my face and a cross across my heart, I initiated search for my back up angels, at stake was precious memories, my progress in my games, few business documents and lot of insane stuff that was about to make way in my redundant blog, bringing it back to life.
First target was 2 Back up DVDs. I was not able to locate them in the thousands of CDs that i have piled over the years. I wiped off beads of sweat from my hands, so that I wont damage my precious game disks. After rummaging through my collection for an hour, I couldn't locate the 2 DVDs. Then I consulted the oracle (excel database that i maintain for my disk collection), but to no avail. Suddenly it dawned upon me, If I had taken back up from my laptop, the DVDs should be in the laptop bag - Eureka.
I ran off in the direction of my bag, spotted it, undid the zippers in hurry (of the bag) and managed to find three cracked DVDs viz. 2 backup ones and 1 a recent classic game that I purchased. (Disappointed, definately)
Next target was my portable hard-disk (a store house for movies, TV seasons from west and games), I generally don't use it for taking back-up, but to my surprise, I had a back up in it. Next step was to check the date of back-up, ha ha ha I managed to save 9.5 years of data out of 10 years, any statician would not disagree when I say, "it is an excellent save ratio."
I had to some presentation in my college, so had tagged along the hard-disk with me, the work in the college was completed (success or no success, who cares. Looks like a failed attempt, got no reviews). Had a migrane, due to lack of food, so instead going to some rocking party and later to hangout at a friend's place, left for home. But somewhere in the way, how I dont know, lost my portable hard-disk.
And Mr. Murphy made his presence felt, the virus infected pen-drive, with whatever data, was corrupted, so ending all hopes of data recovery.
Data will build-up, but memories that I thought I had locked in a vault other than my forgetful memory were lost.
Crashed !!!
But now the real fun part kicks in, will call all ole friends, with whom not spoken for ages, catch up with them, will start collecting data, hope to be playing games and crusing along the good ole memories very soon ......... crashes sound fun .....