Weird !! I Am !!!

Monday, June 25, 2007

When a thought conjures in a Fogged Mind

Fogged mind is nothing but a confused day in one's life. Thought is nothing but a process that fulfills the purpose of one being a human being.

One when these two events combine together, results can have an adverse effect on one's health or some thing like Gravitation can be discovered.

These both are different phenomenon altogether, one represents the notoriety of stress and other represents the consummate mind power of one.

A small line differentiate bewteen these two events, this line can be termed as passion. If you are passionate about what you are doing, your mind will always be fogged with visions of glorious future and will yield stuff that will only benefit people around you and yourself too.

If there is no passion in you about anything, then life around you will be burden, you always wish to run away from people, responsibilities and the most importantly from yourself. You have a fogged mind, and with such fog aorund, accidents are prone to happen.

Life is full of choices, what choice you make, defines your life.